Soil as a Source for Potential Nitrilase Producer
Verma Vikas* and Sangave Preeti
Department of
Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
Pratapbhai Patel School of Pharmacy & Technology Management (SPPSPTM)
(Deemed to be University), V.L. Mehta Road, Vile Parle (W)
(Maharashtra) INDIA 400056. Email:
Vikas Verma –, Preeti Sangave-
Graphical Abstract
Abstract: Enzymes
have been identified as critical proteins for ages to carry out functions that
spread across various industries. One of the
recent application of the enzymes is in the bioconversion schemes which ensure
formation of only one enantiomer product. The enzyme category hydrolase carries out
hydrolysis of C-N, C-C, C-O etc. bonds. Nitrilase(s) are sub-category of
hydrolase (EC that has a huge potential in biocatalysis of nitriles.
Nitrilase(s) carry out the hydrolysis of carbon-nitrogen bonds other than the
amide bonds. Bioconversion schemes by nitrilases can generate chiral acids,
which are generated otherwise from a very harsh and tedious chemical processes.
These chiral acids can be incorporated into various schemes of drug synthesis such
as the production of chiral intermediates like nicotinic acid and mandelic acid
ecological habitats have been explored in the past to screen nitrilases with
activity over broad temperature range. Soil is one such component in nature
where the microorganisms can sustain for long periods. Soil sources like garden
soil, Himalayan region soil etc. have been used to screen nitrilase in the
past. Selecting a soil sampling site is very critical as it can significantly
affect the final outcome(s) of the research objectives. The present work deals
with screening of nitrilase producing microorganisms from four soil sampling
sites, which are different with each other in respect with the annual
temperature range, rainfall, and presence of industrial belt etc. Although this
research work has provided many microbial isolates but none of these showed
nitrilase activity.
Keywords: Biocatalysis,
Bioconversion, Benzonitrile, Enzyme Assay, Minimal Media, Nitrilase
are the enzymes that convert the nitriles into the corresponding carboxylic
acids and ammonia. Unlike nitrile hydratases, nitrilase do not involve the
formation of an amide intermediate.1,2 Bacteria, fungi, and plants have been reported to harbor
nitrilase(s).3–5 Studies on nitrilase occurrence, mechanism of action,
characteristics, substrate specificity, applicability, and gene cloning have
been reported in the past.6–8 With regard to the nitrile substrate nitrilases have
been classified as aromatic nitrilase, aliphatic nitrilase and
arylacetonitrilase. 9
Nitrilases have
been commercially utilized for the industrial production of acrylamide10 and nicotinic acid.11 According to the statistical data,
there has been an increase in the reports on nitrilase research conducted at
various institutes and universities. These research activities have led to
isolation, identification and characterization of an array of microorganism
harboring nitrilases from various places. Some of these research work(s) have
already found application with reasonable success.12
Despite the identification of many
nitrilase producing bacteria, fungi and plants, 5,13 the nitrilases from these sources have
a limited application. This limited application is due to the properties
relevant to enzyme activity, stability, substrate range etc.14–16 There is a need for
studies on screening nitrilase producing microorganisms that can produce nitrilase
with industrially acceptable standards.
The present research work was aimed at
screening the potential nitrilase producers from soil.
Culture, Reagent and Chemicals: Alicagenes faecalis
NCIM 2949 was purchased from NCIM (National Collection of Industrial
Microorganisms), Pune INDIA. All the
media components and chemicals used in the studies were of analytical grade and
purchased from Hi-media laboratory Pvt. Ltd., Merck Specialties Pvt. Ltd. INDIA,
Fisher Scientific Qualigens INDIA, S. D. Fine Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. INDIA, and Loba
Chemie Pvt. Ltd. INDIA.
Sampling Sites: Four soil sampling
sites as shown in Table 1 were identified to be screened for potential nitrilase
producers (both bacterial and fungal strains). The soil sampling sites were
representative of broad annual temperature range from 5 ¡C to 45 ¡C, which could
allow to screen microorganisms with nitrilase activity over these temperature(s).
Site 1 has microbial population
coexistent with soil and water, site 2
has microbial population with waste catalyzing features, site 3 is a green pigment manufacturing site, these pigments having
nitrile groups in them and site 4 is
a roadside in the industrial belt used for material transportation. Samples
were collected in sterile zipper polyethylene bags.
Table 1: Description of Soil Sampling Sites
Site Number |
Details of
Sampling Site |
Location |
1 |
shore |
Haryana INDIA |
2 |
Ground |
Haryana INDIA |
3 |
Sil Private Limited |
Gujarat INDIA |
4 |
GIDC area |
Gujarat INDIA |
Physicochemical characterization of soil samples: The physicochemical parameters that were evaluated
included color, temperature, pH, moisture content, total organic carbon and
total organic content. Depth of soil sample collection has a critical role as the
microbial population decreases with depth which may be due to limitations of available
carbon, molecular oxygen etc. Temperature and color of the soil samples were noted
on the spot. Moisture content, pH, organic carbon and organic matter were determined
according to following procedure:
Moisture content: 10g
of soil samples were dried for constant weight at 60¡C for 72h in oven (Dolphin) and then the moisture
content was calculated as follows: 17
pH of soil sample: Soil
samples were dried at 60¡C for 72h, crushed in pestle and mortar and filtered
through ASTM sieve number 18 and 20 (Filterwel Test Sieves). The sieved soil
were dissolved in demineralized water (40w/v) mixed thoroughly and allowed to
stand for 30min and then pH was measured by digital pH meter (Control Dynamics)
Carbon and Organic mass percent: In a 500mL conical flask 1g soil sample was mixed with 10mL potassium dichromate
(1N) and 20mL concentrated H2SO4. 200mL distilled water were added after 30min of
incubation. The solutions were filtered and 10mL of 85% phosphoric acid was
added. The contents were mixed and 1mL of diphenylamine was added. Titration was
performed against Ammonium iron (II) Sulfate (0.5N) to bright green end point.18,19 Percent organic carbon (POC), Total organic Carbon (TOC),
and Percent Organic Matter (POM) were calculated using the following formula: 19,20
B= Volume (mL) of 0.5N Ammonium iron (II) Sulfate utilized in blank titration
and T= Volume (mL) of 0.5N Ammonium iron (II) Sulfate used in the test site
- Minimal media composition
of the microorganisms was carried out by plating 10-5, 10-6
and 10-7 dilutions of soil sample on minimal media containing 20mM benzonitrile
as an inducer as well as the sole energy source. The minimal media composed of sodium nitrate (3.0g/L),
di-potassium hydrogen phosphate (1.0g/L), potassium dihydrogen phosphate
(1.35g/L), sodium chloride (5g/L), ferric chloride (1.25mg/L), cobaltous
chloride hexahydrate (0.001g/L), zinc sulphate (0.0067g/L) and
agar (20g/L) prepared in distilled water. 21–23
The plates
were then incubated in the incubator (Meta Lab) at 25¡C and 37¡C to screen for
fungal and bacterial strains respectively. The incubation temperature may be
optimized at later stage once a positive isolate is obtained. The isolated
colonies were then propagated and analyzed regarding presence of nitrilase by modified Berthelot
assay.24 Nutrient broth (at 37¡C/ 200rpm) and Czapek Dox broth
(at 25¡C/ 200rpm) along with 50mM benzonitrile were used for propagation of
bacterial and fungal isolates respectively. The incubation was carried for a
minimum of 72h in an Orbital Shaker (Thermo-scientific).
Enzyme assay:
Modified Berthelot assay was used for the determination of enzyme activity by
tapping the generated ammonia. Benzonitrile was used as the substrate.25–27 Alicagenes faecalis has been reported for the production
of nitrilase and hence Alicagenes faecalis NCIM 2949 was used as the positive
reference for the nitrilase assay.28
In the
modified method, cells were harvested by centrifugation at 4000rpm/20¡C/7min.
Both the extracellular and intracellular components were analyzed. The
intracellular enzyme examination involved cell lysis by ultra-sonication (TOSHCON)
for 15min in cold conditions (0¡C - 4¡C), followed by centrifugation at
6000rpm/20¡C/7min. The respective intracellular components were re-suspended again
in phosphate buffer pH 7.5 having 50mM benzonitrile and incubated at 37¡C for
2h. After incubation the reaction was stopped by addition of 0.2mL hydrochloric
acid (1N). A final centrifugation at 10000rpm/20¡C/7min was done; and the supernatant
of this stage was analyzed by the enzyme assay.
To 2mL
of supernatant added 0.08mL of phenol solution and vortexed gently. Added 0.08mL
sodium nitroprusside and 0.2mL of oxidizing solution, mixed and incubated at
room temperature for 1h followed by measurement of the absorbance at 630nm.
and Discussions
research work reported through this paper was intended to screen potential nitrilase
producers that could perform bioconversion of aromatic nitriles.
of aromatic nitriles to the corresponding chiral carboxylic acids is a valuable
application as these acids could be utilized in drug intermediate and/or drug
molecule synthesis. Soil samples were taken from regions with annual temperature
ranging from 5¡C to 45¡C, as these sites could provide nitrilase that can perform
bioconversion for various processes.
1 shows the physical appearance of soils collected from
different sites. Except for the dump site, which was taken from a layer 1 cm
deep since the surface was a bit rocky, the soil samples were taken from the
surface layer.
physicochemical properties like pH, temperature and total organic carbon
content of the soil were determined to assist in upstream optimization of the parameters
related to incubation temperature and media pH of the screened microorganism.
As shown in Table 3, it was observed that the soil from site 3 was more alkaline
in nature than the other sites.
Figure 1: Soil from different sampling sites
neutral. It was site 2 which contributed the maximum of 12 colonies in
comparison with the other sites. A graphical representation of total organic
carbon and pH is shown in Figure 2.
Screening for potential nitrilase producers was done
on minimal media with trace elements, buffering components and benzonitrile,
which acted as an inducer as well as nitrogen source. Growth of microorganisms
on the minimal media revealed their potential as nitrilase producers. As shown
in Figure
3 the isolated strains were propagated
with the objective of screening the most potent strain.
Figure 2: pH to organic carbon content relationship between different sites
After fermentation for 72h the isolated colonies were evaluated
for their nitrilase activity by the enzyme assay. Error! Reference source not found.
shows the results
for the screening exercise. The isolated strains were evaluated for their extracellular
nitrilase activity. Extracellular nitrilase activity was not observed in any of
the isolated strains. Enzyme assay for intracellular nitrilase activity was also
negative for all 23 isolated strains. Various modifications of the method were
attempted like increasing the enzyme-substrate (nitrilase-benzonitrile) incubation
time (till 48h), substrate concentration (50mM-300mM), the ultrasonication time
(5min,10min and 15min) and whole cell bioconversion but none of the trials was positive.
Other methods of screening based on pH change also reflected negative results.29
Table 2: Results of the Screening Exercise.
Evaluated |
Result |
Inference |
Growth on Minimal Media |
Yes |
Isolates may be harboring nitrilase |
Extracellular Nitrilase activity |
Not Observed |
No extracellular Nitrilase |
Intracellular Nitrilase activity |
Not Observed |
No Intracellular Nitrilase |
Figure 3: Various stages of experiment
The negative results lead to the following
of the parameters for selecting soil sampling sites was the broad annual
temperature. This parameter may be co included with other parameters like
nitrile manufacturing sites to increase the probability of finding a potential
nitrilase producer.
on minimal media needs to be complemented with some other screening approach
like inclusion of small amount of energy sources.
of the colonies appeared after 4 days of incubation on minimal media which may
be indicative of slow growth rate.
of the plates showed the presence of fungal and bacterial colonies in the same
plate; the role of other incubation temperature(s) like 20¡C, 30¡C etc. needs
to examined besides 25¡C and 37¡C.
was used as an inducer and nitrogen source in the minimal media. Growth on
minimal media with benzonitrile may also be due to presence of enzymes other
than nitrilase.
was performed to release the intracellular nitrilase; it may also be possible
that this step may have affected the enzyme functionality.
The absence of nitrilase activity in all the microorganisms
screened on the minimal media and understanding the possible reason(s) behind
the negative results may be helpful in designing the research strategy for
future screening exercises.
We gratefully
acknowledge our school, SPPSPTM and Dr. R. S. Gaud for
providing us all the facilities, support and motivation.
Appendix- Table 2
Table 3: Physicochemical characterization of soil
Site No. |
Color30 |
Temperature (¡C) |
Moisture Content (%) |
pH |
POC (%) |
POM (%) |
No. of Colonies isolated |
1 |
CafŽ au lait |
38 |
0.50 |
7.37 |
0.84 |
1.93 |
09 |
2 |
Camel |
37 |
0.89 |
7.77 |
0.17 |
0.40 |
12 |
3 |
CalPoly Pomona green |
24 |
0.27 |
8.37 |
1.87 |
4.27 |
01 |
4 |
CafŽ noir |
24 |
0.14 |
7.10 |
2.51 |
5.73 |
01 |
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