Plant Regeneration and Transient Gene Expression in
Makhzoum*1, Anica Bjelica1, Genevieve Petit-Paly2,
Mark A. Bernards1
1Department of Biology & TheBiotron,
The University of Western Ontario, London, ON, Canada, N6A 5B7. 2Biomolcules et Biotechnologies Vgtales,
Universit Franois-Rabelais, 37200, Tours, France
Abstract: Catharanthus roseus genetic transformation represents a real
challenge due, in part, to the lack of regeneration capability and to the recalcitrant nature
of this species to genetic
transformation. In the present work, we demonstrate the regeneration of C. roseus plants from hypocotyls and
cotyledons, using specific growth regulator conditions. Plants derived from
hypocotyls and cotyledons were successfully acclimated and grown in the
greenhouse. Furthermore, C. roseus
meristem tissues were shown to have high shoot regeneration potential under
conditions optimised for cotyledon- and hypocotyl-derived shooting. Meristem
tissues were, therefore, investigated as a genetic transformation target using
both Agrobacterium tumefaciens and A. rhizogenes. Although meristem-derived shoots
transformed with A. tumefaciens
harbouring a p35S GUSPlus construct
revealed transient GUS expression and
protein accumulation, they were not amenable to selection even after two months
on selection medium. Transformation of C.
roseus meristem tissues with A.
rhizogenes resulted in a typical hairy root phenotype, in which the
adventitious root tissue strongly expressed the p35S GUSPlus construct, as revealed by intense GUS staining.
Keywords: Catharanthusroseus, regeneration, meristem, transient genetic transformation
plants represent important sources of drugs and the use of genetic transformation
systems to increase the production of these molecules requires efficient plant
regeneration and genetic transformation systems. Catharanthusroseus(L.)
G. Don (Apocynaceae), native to Madagascar, is known to produce many indole alkaloid compounds. Of
these, vinblastine and vincristine are effective
anti-cancer agents against leukaemia and Hodgkins diseases1.
Tissue-based compartmentalization of the last steps of
indole alkaloid biosynthesis means that specific cell types, but especially
idioblasts and laticifers in leaves and young buds, are required for vinblastine
and vincristine biosynthesis in vivo 2 ,3 . These differentiated
tissues do not exist in cell cultures (e.g., callus, cell suspension) and the
vindoline pathway is blocked in these cultures because the final reactions
catalyzed by desacetoxyvindoline 4-hydroxylase (D4H) 4
and acetyl coenzyme A (CoA): deacetylvindoline-4-O-acetyltransferase (DAT)
are absent 2 ,5. There is one report of vindoline production in callus culture
transformed by different Agrobacterium
tumefaciens6; however, this has not been further substantiated. Thus, it is
necessary to be able to genetically transform and subsequently regenerate C.
roseus plants to be able to modify and/or analyse the last steps of the indole
alkaloid pathway in this species. However, C. roseus has proven to be difficult to
transform using standard genetic transformation systems, particularly in the
steps for plant regeneration.
roots system has been extensively exploited in plant genetic engineering, gene
and promoter and plant molecular pharming studies2
,7-9. With the exception of one report of the regeneration of C. roseus plants from genetically
transformed hairy roots under very special conditions 10
and another from hypocotyles11 ,12, no regeneration of genetically transformed plants has been reported
for this species from apex or primordia tissues; however, these two systems are
not reproducible based on our experiments on most organs and tissues explants.
Limited success in C. roseus plant
regeneration has been had with zygotic embryos 11and
petiole explants 13, the latter of which gave rise to shoots with a 40% regeneration
efficiency. A few groups have reported the successful regeneration of C. roseus using seedlings as explants 14
,15. More recently, an
alternative method to generate C. roseus
shoots in vitro through somatic
embryos derived from embryogenic calli was described 16.
Yet, another approach made use of nodal explants 17 containing two auxiliary buds as a target tissue source for microparticle
bombardment and plant regeneration 18,
albeit with very low transformation rates and the generation of
numerous chimeras.
Although meristem shoot
regeneration systems have been described for many plant species 19, this system has not been exploited for C. roseus. In general, plants are
characterized by their post-embryonic organogenesis and have sets of stem
cells, localized in shoot apical and root meristems that remain in an
undifferentiated state 20. Shoot apical meristem stem cells are characterized by quick
regeneration and competence for genetic transformation and have been
successfully used to obtain transgenic plants in maize, wheat, rice, oat,
barley, sorghum, and millet 21. Furthermore, meristematic tissues have been used for shoot apical
meristem genetic transformation of several plants such as rice 22,
maize 23 ,24 and yellow lupin25. Similarly, axillary shoot meristems have been used for the
transformation of pear cultivars recalcitrant to regeneration 26. Bulk meristematic tissue
obtained by removing the apical dome 27has
been used to transform cotton 28or castor mature seed embryo axes 29.
In this paper, we
describe a highly efficient shoot regeneration system using hypocotyl-and
cotyledon-derived callus, as well as shoot apical meristems and their
surrounding cells. This degree of shoot formation provides an optimal amount of
explants for plant regeneration and potentially genetic engineering of this
species. We further regenerated whole plants from shoots obtained from
hypocotyl-and cotyledon-derived callus, including their acclimation and
transfer to the greenhouse. Lastly, genetic transformation using both A. tumefaciens and A. rhizogenesis was demonstrated.
Plant Regeneration
In a preliminary set of experiments, we applied
varying amounts and ratios of NAA and BAP to different organs (e.g., roots,
hypocotyls and cotyledons) from cv. Pacifica Pink to determine the optimal
conditions for shoot formation. Shoot formation was
highest (ca. 70%) from callus derived from hypocotyl explants after 35
days of culture on media supplemented with NAA (1 mg/L) and BAP (1 mg/L) (Figure 1, 2a). Calli from roots and cotyledons did not produce many
shoots. Next we tested the shooting ability of hypocotyl explants from six C. roseus cultivars using 1 mg/L each of
NAA and BAP. We readily obtained shoots from callus derived from
the upper part of hypocotyls of all six cultivars, but less so from the lower
part (Table1). In this
experiment, the highest amount of shoot regeneration was obtained from the cv.
Cooler Coconut (16.6 %). Although this was much lower than that obtained with
cv. Pacifica Pink in our preliminary experiments, we were able to subsequently
obtain whole plants from these shoots (see below).
1. Yield of Shoots from hypocotyl-derived calli segments from six cultivars of Catharanthusroseus.
Hypocotyl segments from in vitro grown seedlings were divided into upper
and lower parts prior to plating on MS medium supplemented with 1 mg/L NAA and
BAP. The number of explant-derived calli pieces on which shoots were evident
was counted after 2 months in culture, and expressed as a fraction of the total
number of calli plated. Cultivar name Abbreviations: BP = Blue Pearl, CC =
Cooler Coconut, CMI = Cooler Mix Improved, ML = Mediterranean Lilas, PP =
Pacifica Pnk, SR = Stardust Rose.
Cultivar |
Number of Calli with
Shoots |
Upper Hypocotyls |
Lower Hypocotyls |
BP |
4/40 (10%) |
0/40 (0%) |
CC |
10/60 (16.6%) |
0/60 (0%) |
5/80 (6.3%) |
0/50 (0%) |
ML |
2/40 (5%) |
1/50 (2%) |
PP |
9/100 (9%) |
0/80 (0%) |
SR |
9/70 (12.9%) |
0/80 (0%) |
Figure 1. Shoot
formation from Catharanthus roseus explants. Various explant tissues (cotyledons, hypocotyls,
roots) from in vitro grown C. roseus plantlets (cv. Pacifica Pink)
were cultured on MS medium supplemented with different concentrations of NAA
and BAP. Categorical values in the x-axis are expressed as ratios of NAA/BAP
(both in mg/L). The percentage of explant-derived calli with regenerated shoots
(y-axis) was recorded after 35 days in culture. Data are pooled from a minimum of
120-150 explants plated on 4 to 5 independent plates (minimum of 30 explants per
plate) for each NAA/BAP combination.
Root Formation:
Shoots obtained from hypocotyl and cotyledon explants
were transferred to MS medium containing various growth regulators, and
sub-cultured on a 4-week cycle. After four to five subculture cycles on media
supplemented with either IAA (10 mg/L) and BAP (0.1 mg/L) or IBA (10 mg/L) and
BAP (0.1 mg/L), roots began to appear (Figure 2b, Table 2). Prior to
acclimation, these were transferred to MS solidified with gelrite instead of
agar to improve rooting and allow plantlet recovery with minimal damage to the
Plant Acclimation:
Plants were successfully acclimated and transferred to
the greenhouse (Figure 2c). Out of 40 shoots taken through the rooting steps,
only 14 survived through to full plants in the greenhouse (Table 2). The
overall process, from initial in-vitro shoot formation from hypocotyls
or cotyledons through to the potting of regenerated plants in the greenhouse
took approximately 1 year.
Figure 2. Regeneration of Catharanthus
roseus plants from callus. (A) Shoots were
obtained from hypocotyl-derived callus after several transfers on MS medium
supplemented with 1 mg/ml each of NAA and BAP. (B) Shoots were transferred to
MS medium supplemented with either IAA (10 mg/L) and BAP (0.1 mg/L) or IBA (10
mg/L) and BAP (0.1 mg/L). (C) Mature plants of C. roseus were obtained from in vitro plantlets, after a period of
acclimation. Data for cv. Pacifica Pink are shown.
2. Yield of rooted hypocotyl-and cotyledon-derived shoots from Catharanthusroseus.
Shoots derived from calli obtained from either cotyledons or hypocotyls were
rooted on MS media supplemented with either IAA 10 mg/L and BAP 0.1 mg/L or IBA
10 mg/L and BAP 0.1 mg/L and later on the same
medium solidified with gelrite instead of agar. After hardening
and acclimation, plants placed into pots of vermiculite under 25C 1C, 18 μE/cm2/s,
(12h/12h) conditions for one month before transferring them to the greenhouse (20C 1C) under
natural light and day length.
Original Explant |
Number of Explants |
Number of Acclimated plants |
Time to Acclimation (months) |
Cotyledon |
16 |
7 (43%) |
12-15 |
Upper hypocotyl |
9 |
3 (33%) |
14-15 |
Lower hypocotyl |
15 |
4 (26%) |
15 |
explants obtained from all six cultivars were able to form shoots with similar
efficiency (Table 3) in as little as 30 days, when cultured with NAA
(1 mg/L) and BAP (1 mg/L). The
highest efficiency achieved (97%) was with the cultivar Mediterranean Lilas.
Adding high concentrations (e.g., higher than 5 mg/L of BAP) caused shoot
malformation (data not shown).
3. Yield of Shoots from meristem explants from six cultivars of Catharanthusroseus.
Meristem segments from 9-to
10-day old in vitro grown seedlings were plated on MS medium supplemented with
1 mg/mL NAA and BAP. The number of explants on which shoots were evident was
counted after 35 days in culture, and expressed as a fraction of the total
number of explants plated.
CC |
130/138 (94.2%) |
122/127 (96.1%) |
ML |
77/79 (97.5%) |
PP |
122/129 (94.5%) |
SR |
136/151 (90.1%) |
Transformation of meristems with Agrobacterium
of a band of the correct size (750 bp) using an exon-exon junction
primer confirmed the presence of the b-glucuronidase
(GUSPlus) transgene in meristem cells
(Figure 3a). Further proof of the incorporation of GUSPlus into meristem tissues, as well as its expression, was
obtained using a dot-blot assay to detect His-tagged proteins. Thus, proteins
extracted from meristems co-cultivated with A. tumefaciens
were blotted onto nitrocellulose and probed with anti-His
antibody 30. Only those extracts obtained from transformed
meristems revealed the presence of His-tagged protein (i.e.,
GUS); untransformed meristems did not contain any His-tagged proteins (Figure
Transient reporter gene expression was further
observed in C. roseus apices
co-cultured with A. tumefaciens harbouring
the pCAMBIA GUSPlus construct using a
colourimetric assay for GUS enzyme activity (Figure 4a-f). In an attempt to
optimize GUS expression levels, we
tested a variety of parameters, including the age of apices at the time of
inoculation, the number of days of co-cultivation, the optical density of the
cultures used, and wounding the tissue prior to Agrobacterium treatment. The duration of
the co-cultivation period had an effect on gene expression since those
co-cultured for 4 days showed a higher level of GUS activity than for those
co-cultivated for only 2 days (Figure 4a,b). Even though a wounding treatment
resulted in an enhanced level of (transient) GUS activity, there were no
significant differences in GUS activity observed between apices that were
wounded with either a scalpel or needle, regardless of whether the wounding was
longitudinal or transversal (Figure 4c-f). No difference in transient gene
expression levels were noted for apices with or without first leaves or old (9 or
15 days) apices (data not shown). By contrast, bacterial colony density had an
impact on gene expression, with cultures adjusted to an OD600 = 0.5
resulting in higher GUS activity than with cultures used at a higher optical
density (data not shown).
3.GUS Gene expression and protein accumulation in Agrobacterium tumefaciens-transformed Catharanthus roseus meristem tissue.
(A) RT-PCR using an exon-exon bridging primer was used to detect C. roseus derived GUS transcripts (see
Materials and Methods for details) from mRNA isolated from A. tumefaciens transformed meristems. (B) His-tagged GUS protein
was detected in crude protein extracts obtained from A. tumefaciens transformed meristems (GUS). The negative control
(-ve) is a crude protein extract from non-transformed C. roseus meristem cultures. The positive control (+ve) is a sample
of His-tagged recombinant potato fatty acid w-hydroxylase
expressed in E. coli. Crude protein
extract (10 mL) was spotted onto nitrocellulose
and probed with anti-His antibody conjugated with horseradish peroxidase and
detected using the chemiluminescence (ECL) assay system (GE Healthcare).
Transformation with A. rhizogenes
Normally, plant tissue
infected with A. rhizogenes generates
a hairy root phenotype, and this is what we observed (Figure 4G). That the
tissue harboured the GUS gene was
evident from intense blue staining in the root tissue when assayed for
glucuronidase activity. At this stage, we have not been successful in
regenerating whole plants from hairy roots obtained from meristem cultures
transformed with A. rhizogenes.
Nevertheless, it is clear that C. roseus
is readily transformed with A. rhizogenes,
and this may be a good alternative to A.
Figure 4. Transient expression of GUS in apical meristem and hairy root
cultures of Catharanthusroseus.
(A-F) Apical meristems (20 to 30 per plate) were subjected to different
conditions to optimize GUS
transformation using Agrobacterium
tumefaciens, including (A) 2-or (B) 4-day of co-culture, (C) transverse or
(D) longitudinal wounding (with 2-day co-culture), and wounding by (E) needle
or (F) scalpel (with 2-day co-culture). In
situ GUS activity is evident by dark staining, especially at the meristem
ends of the explants. Two replicate plates were analysed; a representative
plate form each treatment is shown. (G) In vitro cultured C. roseus meristems were infected with A. rhizogenes harbouring a p35S::GUSPlus construct. After approx. 1 month
on non-selective media, the tissue was subjected to GUS staining (see Materials
and Methods). The intense dark staining of the adventitious (hairy) roots is
indicative of active GUS protein.
Catharanthus roseus produces
medicinally valuable indole alkaloids, including vinblastine and vincristine,
which are used in the treatment of leukemia and Hodgkins disease. Since the
amounts of indole alkaloids produced in this species is relatively low (< 1%
of dry weight), and over 500 kg of C.
roseus leaves is required to produce 1 g of vincristine, 31 it is desirable to apply biotechnological
approaches to enhance production. While there have been many attempts to
genetically engineer C. rosues to
enhance indole alkaloid production, most have been unsuccessful. This is in
part due to (1) compartmentation of indole alkaloid biosynthesis in planta, (which largely rules out the
use of tissue cultures for indole alkaloid production), (2) difficulty with
regenerating C. roseus plants from in vitro cultures (i.e., as part of an Agrobacterium-mediated gene transfer
system), and (3) the lack of a suitable, stable genetic transformation protocol
for this species. Therefore, the development of a genetic transformation
protocol for C. roseus requires
progress in both plant regeneration and plant genetic transformation.
Herein we report that C. roseus cv. Pacifica pink plants have been regenerated from
hypocotyl- and cotyledon-derived callus tissue. Shoots were obtained after one
to two months on MS medium supplemented with NAA and BAP (both at 1.0 mg/L).
Shoots were subsequently rooted on medium supplemented with either IAA (10
mg/L) and BAP (0.1 mg/L) or IBA (10 mg/L) and BAP (0.1 mg/L), acclimated and
transferred to the greenhouse, where they developed and produced flowers. Thus,
we were able to generate whole, mature plants starting with hypocotyls and
cotyledons obtained from in vitro
germinated seeds. This process required up to one year, with an overall
efficiency of 35%. In addition, shoots were readily obtained in high yield from
apical meristems cultured on MS medium supplemented with NAA and BAP (both at
1.0 mg/L). Consequently, meristem explants represent an excellent means whereby
shoots can be readily obtained, and are superior to somatic embryos, which
require more than nine months, many subculture cycles and a few combinatorial
hormones 16.
The formation of shoots from meristems is important because we were also able
to demonstrate transient gene expression in Agrobacterium-infected
meristems (see below) using both A.
tumefaciens and A. rhizogenes.
Previously, transient gene expression systems for C. roseus have been attempted using protoplasts 32, biolistic bombardment 33agroinfiltration34 or vacuum infiltration 35. We recently expressed a promoter-GUS
construct using the C. roseus DAT
gene (which encodes the enzyme acetyl-CoA:deacetylvindoline-4-O-acetyltransferase
involved in the last step of vindoline biosynthesis) promoter in
agroinfiltrated C. roseus leaves and A. rhizogenes-derived C. roseus hairy roots, albeit only
transiently 2. Successful transformation
of C. roseus by A. Tumefaciens was performed on suspension cultures 36. However, given the difficulty in regenerating plants from suspension
culture and the need for intact plant tissue to study some biochemical
processes, an alternative transformation system is necessary. For this we
proceeded with Agrobacterium-mediated
transformation of meristem cultures, with the goal of ultimately re-generating
transformed plants from them. As proof of concept, we initially worked with a
p35S::GUSPlus construct. We tested
many factors to find the best transformation conditions, including the Agrobacterium strain, preculture period,
bacterial suspension density, methods of co-cultivation (i.e., with or without
wounding and type of wounding), and the duration of the co-cultivation period
(2 and 4 days). While wounding may facilitate attachment or the release of
virulence gene inducers 37, we did not observe a significant enhancement of transformation
(inferred using in situ GUS enzyme
activity as a proxy for gene expression) when meristems were wounded. Instead,
the highest levels of GUS enzyme activity were observed when suspension
cultures of A. tumefaciens (e.g., OD600
= 0.5) were used, and co-cultivation was allowed to continue for four days.
Other conditions resulted in less apparent transformation, as evident by less
intense in situ GUS activity. To
ensure that meristems treated with A.
tumefaciens were indeed transformed and contained the GUS gene, exon-exon junction primers were used to avoid the
amplification of bacterial DNA and to only amplify cDNA generated from properly
spliced mRNA.
While we have only demonstrated transient GUS gene
expression (i.e., the A. tumefaciens
transformed tissue was not subjected to selection), the process provides a
potential means to obtain stable genetic transformation of C. roseus. Even though meristems have been shown to overcome Agrobacterium infections, giving rise to
healthy plants 38,
we have now demonstrated, through the transient expression of GUS, that these
explants can be an Agrobacterium-mediated
transformation target for C. roseus.
The use of meristem cultures allows the regeneration of C. roseus shoots in vitro
without a callus stage. Such an approach increases genotype fidelity and avoids
the complications of somaclonal variation 39.
Agrobacterium rhizogenes can also be a
useful tool to generate transgenic plants with high genetic stability and
growth rate 8 ,40 , even for species that are difficult to transform using A. tumefaciens41 ,42. However, plant regeneration from hairy roots, derived from A. rhizogenes transformation, is
difficult, and has only been reported once for C. roseus7. Nevertheless, we obtained a typical hairy root phenotype when we
treated C. roseus meristems with A. rhizogenes harbouring the same p35S::GUS construct as with A. tumefaciens. Adventitious roots
obtained in this manner demonstrated intense in situ GUS activity, especially when these were derived from
tissue below the main apical meristem.
The establishment of a C. roseus genetic transformation system
is a challenge in part because of the difficulty in regenerating shoots from
primary transformed tissues; however, it is also a challenge because of
difficulty in generating primary transformants. In the present paper, we address
two of these issues and demonstrate the regeneration of plantlets from
hypocotyl-and cotyledon-derived tissue as well as Agrobacterium-mediated (both A.
tumefaciens and A. rhizogenes)
transformation of C.
roseus meristems. We are still not at a stage where we can
combine these two results into a routine genetic transformation system because
it remains technically challenging to generate genetically modified C. roseus tissue that is also amenable
to plant regeneration. It is beyond the scope of the parameters considered
herein to recommend a strategy for C.
roseus transformation and plant regeneration.
Nevertheless, our data provide the basis for further studies on shoot apical
meristem genetic transformation as a tool to overcome the intrinsic difficulties
in C.
roseus genetic transformation, as well as the basis for
plantlet regeneration.
Material and methods
Plant material
were obtained from seedlings grown in sterile culture from seed. For whole plant
regeneration from various organs (hypocotyls, cotyledons and roots) and for genetic transformation assays,
only the Pacifica Pink cultivar was employed. To estimate shooting efficiency
and for meristem experiments, six different cultivars (Blue Pearl, Cooler Coconut, Cooler Mix Improved,
Mediterranean Lilas, Pacifica Pink and Stardust Rose) were examined.
Bacterial strains and plasmid construct
Agrobacterium tumefaciens AGL1 and A. Rhizogenes 15834 were transformed,
using electroporation, with the Binary vector pCAMBIA1305.1 in which the T-DNA
region harboured the reporter gene GUSPlusTM encoding a 6 x
His-tagged β-glucuronidase (GUS)
and hygromycin phosphotransferase (HPTII). Both genes are driven by separate 35S promoters.
Sterilization and germination of seeds
Sterilization of C. roseus seeds was carried out by
immersion in ethanol for 2 minutes followed by Na-hypochlorite (3%) for 20
minutes, and finally washing three times in sterile distilled water. Later,
seeds were soaked in sterile distilled water in the dark for one day, then sown
on Petri dishes containing hormone-free MS medium 43 (0.8% agar), covered by
aluminium foil and left in the dark to germinate. After three days, the foil
was removed and the seedlings were grown at 24C with a 16 hour light, 8 hour dark, photoperiod (18μE/cm2/s). Meristems from nine- and ten-day old plantlets were used for Agrobacterium-mediated transformation.
Plant culture
Explants were excised
from 9-or 10-day old seedlings and sub-cultured on MS medium supplemented with
different NAA and BAP ratios (see below), under the same conditions noted
previously. To study the influence of organs and hormones on regeneration,
various organs (cotyledons, roots and hypocotyls) from c.v. Pacifica Pink were
used with different NAA/BAP combinations (values in mg/L) including: 1.0/5.0;
1.0/2.0; 1.0/1.0; 1.0/0.5; 1.0/0.1; 0.5/2.0; 0.5/1.0; 0.5/0.5; 0.5/0.1. Calli
arising from explants were sub-cultured onto new medium every 3 weeks. For
regeneration of whole plants and acclimation, shoots derived from callus were
first rooted on MS media supplemented with either IAA 10 mg/L and BAP 0.1 mg/L
or IBA 10 mg/L and BAP 0.1 mg/L for several sub-culture cycles. Once roots
appeared, plantlets were subcultured on the same medium solidified with gelrite
instead of agar. For hardening and acclimation, plants were removed from
gelrite cultures and the roots washed with water. The plants were then placed into pots of
vermiculite wetted with Knop solution 44,
under 25 C 1C, 18 μE/cm2/s, (12h/12h) conditions for one
month. Later, plants were transferred to the greenhouse (20 C 1C) under
natural light and day length.
The appearance of shoots
on hypocotyls was established separately for the upper and lower segments of
hypocotyls from 6 C. roseus cultivars
on MS supplemented with NAA 1 mg/L and BAP 1 mg/L. For meristem shoot
regeneration, meristems from all 6 cultivars were used on MS containing NAA 1
mg/L and BAP 1 mg/L. Meristems of the Pacifica Pink cultivar were used to
optimize growth regulator concentrations by placing them on MS
media supplemented with different concentrations of BAP (1 mg/L, 2 mg/L, 5
mg/L, 10 mg/L, 15 mg/L and 20 mg/L) in combination with 1 mg/L NAA.
Meristem genetic transformation assays
Agrobacterium tumefaciens transformation: Meristems from 9-to
10-day old plantlets were isolated and plated on MS basal medium as above. Agrobacterium
tumefaciens suspensions (strain
AGL1), harbouring the binary vector pCAMBIA 1305.1, containing the GUSPlusTM gene (modified with a 6
x His C-terminal tag) encoding β-glucuronidase were prepared in
LB medium supplemented with kanamycin monosulphate (50 mg/L). The optical
density of overnight cultures was measured and adjusted (to as low as 0.5; 45
and meristems, with or without pre-inoculation wounding (stabbing or cutting)
were immersed in bacterial suspension for 10 minutes prior to transfer to Petri
dishes containing hormone free MS medium.
After 2 or 4 days of co-culture, the meristem explants were washed twice
with sterile, distilled water and once with MS (hormone free) containing 500
mg/L cefotaxime, and subjected to GUS assay (see below).
Agrobacterium rhizogenes
transformation: Transformation of apical meristems
by A. rhizogenes was carried out with
a needle dipped in solid colonies, using a dissecting microscope to target
tissue (e.g., meristem or apical meristem zones, or the main veins of young
leaves from in vitro-grown
plantlets). Finally, explants were placed in Petri dishes on MS medium with BAP
(1 mg/mL) and NAA (1 mg/mL) supplemented with 500 mg/L cefotaxime and incubated
at room temperature with 16 hours light and 8 hours dark.
To demonstrate transient
transformation of meristems, we amplified GUS cDNA using an exon- exon
junction-based primer 46 ,47. Total RNA was extracted from 100 mg infected and
washed meristems using the RNeasy plant mini kit (Qiagen), according to
manufacturers instructions.
First-strand cDNA was synthesized from 5 mg
of total RNA using SuperScript II reverse transcriptase (Invitrogen) primed by
oligo(dT). PCR was performed using first-strand cDNA as the transformed
meristems template and the over-intron (e.g., exon-exon primer) pintr3f primer
forward primer with gp3r (AATCTCCACGTTACCGCTCA
as the reverse primer. The PCR conditions were as follows: initial
conditions: 94C for 4 min,
followed by 35 cycles at 94C for 30 seconds, 54C for 45 seconds, 72C for 2 min and
a final cycle at 72C for 7 min. The PCR reactions were carried out on a Techne
thermal cycler (TC-3000G).
Dot blot assay
order to test for GUS accumulation in meristems transformed with A. tumefaciens, total protein was
isolated from 500 mg of transformed or untransformed (negative control)
meristems, and probed for His-tagged protein. Briefly, total protein was
extracted using QB extraction buffer (100 mM KPO4 (pH 7.8), 1 mM EDTA, 1%
Triton X-100, 10% Glycerol, dH2O and 1 mM DTT) 48
(2 mL of QB buffer/g of ground tissue) and subsequently centrifuged for 15
minutes at 4C at 13,000 rpm. The concentration of the total protein in the
supernatant was determined using a BCA kit, according to manufacturers
instructions (Pierce). Sixty micrograms of total protein (in 10 mL) isolated
from transformed and untransformed meristems was spotted onto nitrocellulose
membrane. After blocking for 1h in 5% skim milk, the membrane was probed with
Anti-His HRP conjugated antibody (1:5000) (Invitrogen). Protein presence was
revealed using ECL (GE Healthcare).
Histochemical GUS staining
Transient and stable
genetic transformation of explants was assessed by assay for GUS enzyme
activity in situ as described 49. Explants were immersed
in staining solution (50 mMNa-phosphate, (pH 7.0), 0.5 mM potassium ferricyanide,
0.5 mM potassium ferrocyanide, 1% Triton X-100, 1 mg/mL
5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolylglucuronide) in the dark at
37C for 2 or 3 days. Next, chlorophyll was removed from
explants by immersion in 70% ethanol. GUS staining was observed under a
microscope (Olympus BX51) and photographed.
The authors gratefully acknowledge financial support from the Department
of Plant Physiology, Tours University (GP) and the Natural Sciences and
Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada (MAB). Additional financial
support to ABM, from the Ministry of Higher Education in Syria is gratefully
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